Newbie - Multiple Usb Midi Controllers - Winxp Pro

Hi all

Toying with the demo of ReNoise and liking it all so far.

I had a pretty good look through the forums and realise I maybe should have placed this in beginners!

Righto - I have 2 contollers - an AKAI MPD24 and an LPD8 - they are plugged into a standard powered hub. So no true MIDI.

How do I get ReNoise to recognise both controllers?

When I go to Prefs > MIDI (and this could be a Windows thing) I see “USB Audio Device [2] / USB Audio Device [3]”. But these are not audio devices. Or are they?

Had a good play with various combinations and scanned the docs and played a few of the video’s.

The MPD24 seems to respond.

Coming from a Live background - I am used to seeing actual names (of the devices) in order to pick them.

If someone could point me to the right page or a previous post or a specific video it would be well appreciated.


Thanks Jenoki,

Interesting - I just booted up Live - I can see the AKAI MPD24 as a controller - but no LPD8 (maybe Live don’t have files for it yet?) - but below - all the options refer to USB Audio Device…

I checked the AKAI site in case there was an installer - but I guessed that most of this gear was plug and play… (Akai have no drivers for any gear there).


I know what you mean tho (about installing drivers) - and it seems logical but there is nothing I can easily see.


Thanks - yes - it makes some sense now.

I had vaguely heard of the issue but because I use Mac mainly it is not an issue - on Win tho it is.

Took me a bit of fiddling but I think I have it (too scared to touch the Registry!).

In my situation I have :

USB Audio Device
USB Audio Device [2]
USB Audio Device [3]
USB Audio Device [2] {NB - repeated}

For me - the first “USB Audio Device” is the MPD24 and the 4th “USB Audio Device [2]” {repeated} is the LPD8.

Strange and a bit confusing!

They both seem to be set to the same MIDI Channel tho - not sure if this is a future problem?

But my original issue is resolved - thanks for all your help with this. :)


BTW - in regards the Channel (see above) - I think that each USB bus on a PC has it’s own channel in regards MIDI - so if I plug into a standard USB port and plug a device into the USB hub - voila - they are now on different channels.

Which is a bit cheesy as I really wanted to have all my gear powered off one powered USB hub! Darn u Mr Gates!

Mmm - now where did I leave my Mac!

Thanks again btw.


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