Ni Discontinues Kore, Pulls Kore Packs From Sale

Shocking news from Native Instruments:
Kore is not only discontinued, but all existing Kore soundpacks are pulled from sale effective immediately.
Read more here:

A couple of years ago I thought they are about to discontinue Reaktor. It takes years to get the +0.1 version update.

Currently that would seem very unlikely. So many of their plugins are based on Reaktor nowadays.

My guess for their long term plan is to discontinue all software besides Kontakt, Reaktor and Guitar Rig.

It’s a pity they pulled their sample packs offline from sale too. If they would offer those for a bargain, i probably would have bought a few more.
I don’t care if the maintenance is going to die. I suspect with 64-bit support, the engine software can hold up for quite a while.
The only pity remaining would be a few quircks here and there that remain forever.

Wasn’t Kore something like a Komplete preset library manager?

So NI is starting to feel the economic crunch it seems.

Well, I never really understood what’s the big deal with Kore, but I don’t like the way NI is going. I liked them much much more when they developed normal vst’s and not some plugins inside plugins like they nowadays do.

I really like FM8 and had a love relationship with Absynth and I’d like to see them developed further, but they don’t seem to fit NI portfolio, since everything they do is powered by Kontakt/Reaktor/Guitar Rig. Especially the Guitar Rig plugins are ridiculous, since it doesn’t even allow developing your own stuff (like Reaktor and Kontakt allow for anyone).

Not sad of the Kore going, but sad to see NI transform into really really boring company.

well in the press release it states that their plan is to further develop the plugin withing maschine thing they got going on and make the maschine their central hardware piece for kore-like ideas… sounds oke if you are able to load up your massive / reaktor patches within the maschine hardware for live purpose , but like said above it sucks for anybody investing in the kore hardware before…

What about Battery

Of their non-Reaktor/-Kontakt/-Guitar Rig plugins Absynth is latest to get a bigger update and it happened like two years ago. Massive is last one of their new synths not based on Reaktor and that was 5 years ago. FM7 to FM8 update was 5 years ago and so was Battery 2 to 3 update. Many synths and effects not based on Reaktor/Kontakt/GR have been discontinued in recent years. Doesn’t really seem like they are interested in developing new non-plugin-inside-plugin software.

All their new stuff are synths that work inside Reaktor, effects that are Guitar Rig expansions and sampled instruments based on Kontakt. They are much cheaper to maintain - you only need to update the host and all the plugin-inside-plugin-plugins automatically work in new OS’s and so on.

I use Reaktor, they made a “big” update recently, 64 bit support plus other things. So, they will continue with Reaktor.
Their instruments are high quality, I dont see the necessity to actualize them very often. If I buy a hardware synth it will be the same synth forever…
Obviously, Im not against advancements, im against the “update fever” (like in ableton live).

I doubt they’ll discontinue Massive any time sooon. It’s become the synth de rigeur with good reason for dubstep in the past 2 years.

I use massive on absolutely everything, if they discontinue it anytime soon it better be because massive 2 is coming out.

well offcourse one day these will be discontinued just like pro53 and b4 got a while back but not before they
got replaced with something much better. hope your not right that everything would become kontakt / g rig / reaktor
because that would mean NI is becoming lazy.

but hey there are other companies to idolize whehe

imo kore had a good concept but a bad realization.
most stupid part were the different install-paths (presets/databank/userpresets/etc),
and all those new formats. unneccesary.
with that discontinue of kore in mind i would never buy a NI product that has hardware included.
… yes, im looking at maschine

these kind of actions does kind of kill trust into a company indeed. but i don’t think they will drop maschine as easily as they did with core… core took way longer before people picked it up. maschine was an instant hit. so i think maschine will have a much longer livespan than core did.

Massive’s filters are nothing special on their own (well, the band reject filter is kinda special :walkman: ), but it’s a paradigm shifting synth, for me. The innovative thing about it is that it’s so easy to experiment with attaching the same modulators to TONS of different parameters by dragging and dropping into the slots, and it’s so easy to see it all in one interface.

So, a Massive filter might not be much on its own, but when you attach the same LFO to the filter cutoff, to the wavetable position on one oscillator, the formant shift on another oscillator, and the hi frequency boost amount for the whole synth, suddenly that LFO is creating something pretty interesting. And it’s not as if you can’t do that on other, older synths (Kurzweil Kxxxx synths have had that kind of flexibility for 20 years), but it’s just so easy to set it up and tweak it that it encourages you to try that kind of thing, and that’s how it gets its characteristic sound.

yep once you dig in you wanna go deep :P