Can I use NKI files in Renoise? (maybe convert?)
I downloaded: Eastwest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold version (all instruments of disc 1 contains nki files).
I reckon if nki can be converted to wav it will give problems playing samples low or high.
Nki files of the commecrial sample packages like Symphonic Orchestra are specially encrypted and won’t be even read by commercial samplers that do support .nki files.
(with exception of Kontakt or Player i believe which are products from East-West itself)
By the way: you can’t download such products anywhere officially. (unless you purchased it from an OEM cd site, but these sites are illegal as well)
You have to use their VST plugin to make it work in Renoise. EWQL comes with Kompakt player VST plugin (A restricted version of the Kontakt player designed to play the SO library) but if you only have the .nki files they are pretty much worthless.
You either need the belonging Kompakt player or use their Kontakt sampler (as VST plugin).
Then there is saxiplayer which sounds a bit better and has a few more instruments (don’t forget to download the dat files as well):
Unfortunately I have a little problem with the 2nd:
When I try to download:
tenor_03_1.dat sound library file 8.5MB
It says in Dutch: (vV you are Dutch! )
Deze fout (HTTP-fout 403 - Verboden) houdt in dat een verbinding met de website kan worden gemaakt, maar u bent niet gemachtigd om de webpagina te bekijken.
So there is a connection with the website but I’m not authorized!
Could it be some setting is nog good on my pc which blocks it?
Thanx! But I prefer the free ones! (Dutch you know!)
I could not download that one either, that is probably an access problem of the file on the server itself.
I think you have to contact the owner of the site itself to mention this issue.