Hey all
I ve been using renoise for some years now… Quite successfully i may say hehe…
Everything was working just fine except that few days ago it simply stopped playing thru ASIO (Absolutely no sound at all via ASIO - I am using SB Audigy)… Just like that, all of the sudden…
I reinstalled Windows, Audigy drivers and even ASIO4all (17 September 2008: Version 2.9 (beta4))… Still i cannot hear anything thru ASIO (I can only hear sound if I select Direct Sound as main sound drive)…
Anyway… When I hit the “Render” button it starts to render… When render stops, the wav form is actually empty! Even though it has the size of a normal wav form (eg - lets say 7MB for a drum loop pattern)
Why is this happening? Can someone help me please?
Thank you very much