This is my first upoload to my new Soundcloud account, my first track submitted to this forum, and my second attempt at dubstep.
I’ve been tracking for ages, but I am still a novice when it comes to serious music production, with DSPs and everything. The track has not been mastered, and I suspect that the mixing leaves a lot to be desired. Feedback is very welcome. As for the dubstep style itself, I know it is probably not spot-on, but I am not really interested in adhering 100% to the genre. That’s boring.
Also, did you make the ‘wobbles’ in renoise (as opposed to using a VST)? if so I like it even more
To embed it in your post simply copy the address of the track, then in your post click the icon which has photos on it and the rest is straight forward.
Format is like:[media]address-of-media[/media] without the spaces in the tags.
Hey, thanks a lot for your nice words and thanks for the embedding tip. I didn’t realise that this forum had icons for that kind of thing.
All the wobbles in the track are Renoise-internal. The bass sound is in fact the DnB bass from the sample pack that comes with Renoise, but mangled and layered and filtered. The second bass that comes in is a VSTi + the amazing FrOhmage filter.
Thanks a lot all of you. It’s really encouraging, but a bit confusing.
I was expecting to have to fiddle about with the mixing, resubmitting the track, getting new crits and abandoning the whole thing as unsalvagable (I’ve had similar experiences in other non-music related forums). Now I am not sure what to do with the track. It’s already got more listens than most tracks on my Myspace page (, after just a fraction of the time. There is no club scene here that I have anything to do with (I am too old to go clubbing), and certainly no dubstep scene. If other tracks get the same amount of nice feedback I might try and send out a demo to… I dunno, a dubstep label or something.
Does anyone here do mastering semi-proffessionally (i.e. free of charge)?
It does sound very good. But then again, I don’t know what it sounded like before the mastering (if we are indeed talking about the “…heart…” album/set" on your soundcloud page). In any case I will need to make more popular tracks before shipping anything off anywhere. And in the interrim I may have a go at mastering myself.