– grab current selection in pattern editor as duration
– API functions to create temporary sample buffers and copy parts of one samplebuffer to another
Please note that if you do so, your script must handle that the users does “anything” with the song, samples, instrument while your dialog is still open.
For example:
Launch your Rubberband on a existing sample
While keeping the Rubberband dialog open, switch to an instrument which has no sample, or load a new song
→ Process will then, as it is now, abort your script with a stackdump
In this case this can maybe be handled easily by simply checking IF theres a sample at all. But with more complicated scripts, this can easily get quite complex, cause you then have to attach notifiers to all relevant parts of the song that may be changed by the user…
ey, probably set-up something wrong, but trying to time-map a mono version of the renoise amen got a crash in windows (it’s in Dutch though ):
Gebeurtenisnaam van probleem: APPCRASH
Naam van de toepassing: CMD.exe
Versie van toepassing: 6.0.6001.18000
Tijdstempel van toepassing: 47918bde
Naam van foutmodule: kernel32.dll
Versie van foutmodule: 6.0.6001.18000
Tijdstempel van foutmodule: 4791a7a6
Uitzonderingscode: c0000142
Uitzonderingsmarge: 00009cac
Versie van besturingssysteem: 6.0.6001.
Landinstelling-id: 1043
Aanvullende informatie 1: 9d13
Aanvullende informatie 2: 1abee00edb3fc1158f9ad6f44f0f6be8
Aanvullende informatie 3: 9d13
Aanvullende informatie 4: 1abee00edb3fc1158f9ad6f44f0f6be”
MMmm, trying it again now and all seems to work , maybe I was to quick in trying to work in Renoise (mouse-clicking) while the cmd.exe was still processing?
hmm no idea? I don’t speak dutch so I can’t help you there
if that happens again, maybe look in the plugin folder for timemap.txt and see if it’s very huge or something… or maybe the generated timemap made rubberband choke because it was just “wrong”, who knows ^^
this is like a (not so extreme)renoise version of paulstretch
EDIT:one thing though,dont know if this is intentionally or a bug or whatever
alot of times when i use this,i get a screen like this,and i have to righclick and close the "console"before something happens,and when i do that the changes are made in the sample
but there’s no space! I must not upset the precious balance of the GUI elements. I can however slap a “T” right next to it (that will surely help lots )