Note Length Indication In Pattern Editor

I saw this in SunVox and thought it was a neat idea. It makes it a little clearer where everything starts and ends. Maybe the sample length could even get tied to it so that you could easily see how long one-shots are in the pattern editor.

It’s not a revolutionary idea, just kinda neat to have.

this would not work for a number of reasons:

  1. what about overlapping notes on the same column?
  2. what about sounds which have long fadeouts after note offs?
  3. what about New Note Actions?
  4. what about all of the above three together?

this would only mess up things in my opinions, giving a real idea of the actual note length only under specific, restrictive scenarios

You’ve made valid points. I’m gonna go look into how they implemented it and get back to you.

solution: Don’t think of it as “actual note length”, but just as “length until all notes in the column have reached a note off”. I would find that useful enough…

That would be an Aodix like solution then i guess.