That’s probably not new at all… but I was SO surprised to see it in action that I must really suggest you to keep it in mind!
To INSERT a Note-Off in a track the default key is set to CAPS-LOCK…
If you decide to change the position of Note-Off you can delete the old one and write a new one in the needed position… you can also inserts/cancel empty spaces untill the Note-Off goes where you wanted it to be…
You can target the new Note-Off position and press SHIFT + INSERTNOTEOFF (Default: Capslock)
The old Note-Off will be automatically deleted from its old position and a new Note-Off will be added to your track at your current cursor position.
I don’t know if this feature existed before the actual version but I’ve found it only today… and I must say I would really have enjoyed knowning this when I started using Renoise!
Doh… I realized right now that I wrote a nonsense title…
That was supposed to be SHIFT + NOTEOFF
…I guess you all got the point anyway
Agree on that… even if I’m a little concerned about what it-alien could think of this…
if there is a remote chance of some weird situation that, for a reason or the other, requires more than one noteoff… then It-alien is the one who knows it
( I can’t really figure out such a situation by myself )
even if there’s such situation, I think it’s so damn rare, that a typical user won’t ever know about it. I would say that the default combinations of those two kinds of inserting note-offs should be changed with each other.
If you do for example a simple bassline you might have a bass each four lines and a note off each other four lines. In that case maybe you insert the note offs first… only situation I can think of. Probably noone who does it this way anyhow I see no reason to not change the default key…
The smart-note-off (shift-capslock) is also usefull because of the fact that you can hold the keys to repeat insertions. This doesn’t work with a single capslock (without the shift).
So first enter CTRL+4 and then push Shift-Capslock for supah-quick bassline editing
i found the noteoff fuction the first day i started using 281
but i didnt quite understand what you were sayin up there
i make amen mashup ragga jungle so i had to find something like that
i’m still deeply satisfied with shellin out tha 48 bucks yesterday i’m lovin 1.5
little quirky at times but the brilliance of it all is worth credit
Btw, in 1.5 this has been made the default (capslock), and the old
mode is shift+capslock. In addition, try ctrl+ those two shortcuts:
this adds noteoff to all notecolumns in the track.