Note Strum Script Question

For some reason there is no ‘add comment’ on the Note Strum script page in comparison with the other scripts so I thought writing this down here:

First of all I like the idea of the script trying to emulate strumming, but am unsure about the execution right now. Maybe I’m using it wrong but imo for the strumming to stand out and sound ‘good’, it needs to variate somewhat over time and not remain with constant delay offsets.

In other words, maybe there could be a humanizing option in the script to have the delay values variate over time?



  • keep up the good work!

I’ve enabled the comments on that page.
Didn’t noticed it was disabled.

But the humanizing could indeed be a nice add-on to the tool…
Also not too hard to add.

Did you manage to experiment with this yet? :)

It will be a weekend job… next weekend i don’t have stand-by service for my own company, will have a little more time for that.

cool! No hurry, was curious :slight_smile:


Thank you very much! :)

Is it possible you update this tool to work in the phrase editor?


I will keep it in mind.
For now i am not going to mess with the new API structures until Renoise 3.0 gets (close) into a final state.

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