Notebook Styles

Hey all,

Hope yaz are doinwell…

Ok Im about to grab a laptop so I can get mobile:

Anyone got any extra info on this:

Toshiba a100/4600 1.66 Core Duo GF7300 128 dedicated 15" LCD

I just want it to do renoise and other basic audio tasks (rendering, editing, duplicating)

Plus also have enuff grunt to do sum viz to music…

Mainly just a mobile music creation dealy…

Any good you think???



thanks man yes GOOD CALL!!!

im currently hunting down the specs , seems quite difficult to get the
controller types in these notebooks…

just trauling the forums for toshiba etc …

OK well I been round in circles but:

The chipset:

Intel 945g

And the Controller for the USB etc in that 945g:

82801GR ICH7R

And the onboard sound :


… Following guidlines for a standard music laptop it has the right stuff:
Intel Chipset
Dedicated Video Memory
Decent Controllers
Light and Lasting Battery Power
Dual Core CPU

man i can’t wait to be able to create on the move…
my first laptop :D i hope its a good 'un :yeah:

It depends how the battery life time was being tested, in a regular full power setup or in an environment where most power-saving tricks were being activated?

Most manufacturers nowadays advertise battery life based upon the last situation rather than what can the battery actually do when it is being consumed at full power from start till end.

I don’t call that really fair:
Laptops that are being pushed to their limits with cpu intensive apps like Renoise hardly get any benefit of the new centrino power savings behaviour since with Renoise, the CPU won’t get that much of rest or possibilities to lower their core voltage.
Those benefits of longer battery action only applies when the laptop is being used for ordinary office use which also means the laptop is being put idle for some time while it is being turned on.
If such case is detected the power consumption of the centrino is automatically brought back to a bare minimum.

Frankly i think that those options are actually getting in your way when they are active.
(i suspect this can just be annoying as with speedstepping that causes Renoise to crackle and hickup just because the speedstepping can’t keep up updating the cpu consumption requests, which is why most folks turn this option off if they can.)

Well it comes down to what I can afford basikly…

so I believe that the a100/4600 is the go

theres a newer model a a100/g00 with slightly better specs and better dedicated video etc etc, but ill just stick to basics for now…

Ill let yaz know how she goes / post sum muazk made with it!!

thanks guys…