Edit cursor is on the first column and recording real time from comp.keyb …Bass, snare.pattern .
While still real time recording/looping …recording hi-hats replaces some notes in the first column …
The edit cursor is still placed in the first column …but shouldn’t renoise add all new recorded notes into a new lane ?
Renoise still wants to push/place some notes in the empy areas of the first column and obviously when quantize is on , some notes in there are replaced .
I tested it and managed to recreate the problem you’ve described.
Thanks for reporting. It will be looked into more deeply at some point.
Until then, if you want your recorded notes to go into the 2nd note column, then maybe just move the cursor there first?
PS. Every bug report gets looked into (even stuff that isn’t sitting right at the top of page 1!), so please try to relax a bit with the thread bumping, ok? I know it can be frustrating sometimes, but just because nobody managed to respond within the first 48 hours, it doesn’t mean that your post has been completely ignored. We’re simply busy guys, aiiight?