I wanted to add an optimized Schemas generation for the 2.0 Release, but unfortunately this was not as easy as I thought. Let me check if your optimizer generates valid schemas and then add those to the distribution. I will also try to solve this internally, so you don’t have to apply your external optimizer, for the next Renoise release.
After a long period without any updates, NRenoiseTools is updated to Renoise 2.5.
Update to 2.6 should be straightforward.
Taktik, if you read this message, It’s great that you did the change for Renoise xsd (compacting using complextype), but there is a small bug in the current Renoise schemas xsd. It’s concerning the way devices are declared:
<complextype name="SequencerTrackDeviceChain"><br>
<element name="Devices" minoccurs="0"><br>
<sequence minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded"><br>
<element name="AudioPluginDevice" minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded" type="AudioPluginDevice"></element><br>
<element name="BusCompressorDevice" minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded" type="BusCompressorDevice"></element><br>
<element name="CabinetSimulatorDevice" minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded" type="CabinetSimulatorDevice"></element><br>
<element name="ChorusDevice" minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded" type="ChorusDevice"></element><br>
<element name="CompressorDevice" minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded" type="CompressorDevice"></element><br>
Should be more write like this :<br>
<complextype name="SequencerTrackDeviceChain"><br>
<all> <br>
<element minoccurs="0" name="Devices"><br>
<sequence minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded"><br>
<choice minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded"><br>
<element name="AudioPluginDevice" type="AudioPluginDevice"></element><br>
<element name="BusCompressorDevice" type="BusCompressorDevice"></element><br>
<element name="CabinetSimulatorDevice" type="CabinetSimulatorDevice"></element><br>
<element name="ChorusDevice" type="ChorusDevice"></element><br>
<element name="CompressorDevice" type="CompressorDevice"></element><br>
The current version of Renoise is providing a false schema for this part, because It cannot keep the correct order of the devices. It's then impossible to save a correct song with the default schema. NRenoiseTools has been updated and is working well with this patch.</choice></sequence></complextype></element></all></complextype></sequence></complextype></element></all></complextype>
I this project still alive?
Not maintained, as I don’t have enough time for it. Though contributors are welcome.
Where can I find resources in 2024? All of the links are broken?