Still feels like I need to apoligy for my stupid behaviour to the renoise team. Thing is, I’m kind of too dependent on renose - so I must take my idiotic statement that “do something about the blah blah or cancel my registration”.
I’m so sorry for the way I behaved, and I promise, it won’t ever happend again. If I were a devloper, I wouldn’t want people to say that stuff to me. I hope you devlopers didn’t block me from re-registring.
the ppl/devs/majority of users here seem very patient, which shows alot about how long they have used the internet to communicate. im sure they did not cancel your registration
Well, they did cancel it by my request. The money could be refunded since I actually never logged into the registred area to download it.
But then I realized I was in too great need for renoise. So I registered once again, which worked fine. After all, it’s a fantastic piece of software. I’ll just avoid using the filter envelope in the future.
Look, sooner or later you’ll feel comfortable with the base knowledge that you simply have to pay attention when using filters and expecially when you tweak with the Reso parameter
Other than that, there is no reason for you to stop using such a nice dsp!
As far as I can see… all you actually need is to relax and get rid of all your “unnecessary” feelings of “concern”… “worry”… “being sorry”… “being mad”…
Set a goal in your mind and try to act as a problem-solver.
You’ll find out the world is a much better place than you suspect
Nothing wrong, to say it all…
Long story short:
He just tweaked a bit with the Filter DSP, had the Reso slider all way up and the sound went -WEEEEEK- on his loud monitors.
He went unreasonably mad for that (including asking Renoise money back) and then realized his own over-reaction and apologized.
You can read this thread where it all took place.
That’s it
Well, the MoogLP filter is insaniously loud on max resonance (louder than any other soft or hardware synth I’ve ever tried). Try it, but be very careful. It clips regardless of the volume of the input signal (even self-oscillating filters aren’t that loud), and hurted my ears quite a bit once.
But well well That’s the problem, but that’s still not a reason to get mad at people. After all, they didn’t make the filter that way to be mean to people. Since I’m aware of it, I can avoid it now.
I’d agree if it’ll be optional. I already saw that it has been suggested to be an optional feature.
I find the filters in Renoise very powerful. You can easily simulate strong analog sounds, just using a waveform and the filters. And yes, you can even overdo it. I’m a bit afraid that it gets lost once a non-optionial limit is coded.