delay not working right, does not detect bpm.
renoise 2.8
delay not working right, does not detect bpm.
renoise 2.8
Please provide some more details!
Renoise 2.8 32-bit or 64-bit?
Windows or Mac?
Which exact version of the OhmBoyz plugin? VST, AU? Version number? Etc.
I’m trying the lastest OhmBoyz 1.52 VST demo for Windows in Renoise 2.8 32-bit and it’s working normally. The delays are synced to Renoise’s BPM, and it also responds correctly when I change the BPM.
The only problem I noticed is that the BPM display in OhmBoyz’ GUI does not update correctly when the BPM changes, but the output of the plugin itself is still actually correct and in sync.
windows renoise 2.8 32 bit. windows 7, 1.4 ohmboyz.
Also sucks that renoise 2.6 doesn’t load waves 9 stuff gui eek.
all kinds of things dont work when i try and load 2.6 stuff i did into 2.8.