Old Features to Not Ever Be Realized & Sonic Bytes Phrazor>>>


I don’t come over much but I do alot of wayback machine ‘digging’…Always interesting the real history of just about anything…

I guess what always bugged me about renoise development were the really big missing aspects like piano roll option (use either like Dreamstation II, Aero Studio, or implement ingenious VERTICAL piano roll like Aodix)…

Here back in 2003 was supposed to be a new feature in near future-


That was the end of that discussion…Probably was taktik’s idea to never have one added as it appears in this interview that he ‘hates piano rolls’…


Problem is that not everyone hates them…If you can choose between then who cares?

Other issue is that being 20 years old renoise should be able to handle EVERY sampler format out there & not have to use others to get the job done…

But that is small prob I guess…For those who wish to have piano roll as close as can be inside renoise you probably heard of Sonic Bytes Phrazor? A phrasing plugin that is all piano roll…

Yeah, No longer available & was commercial BUTT!..There is still grabbable a Preview Beta5c that never expires…yup, all free & all that…

It’s actually better cause it is not system integrated it’s all in a single folder in VST plugs dir so is also portable in that way as well…

Direct download link from wayback machine-


It’s a single installer but I just uni-extracted it…If you do that you don’t even hafta install it

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Phrazor is great, I’ve been tooting its horn at KVR, for those wanting clip control. There’s a pack of alternate skins here: Phrazor GUI

No offence , but those that keep bitching about a piano roll are the ones that haven’t taken the time and effort to trully adapt the tracker mindset .
My 2 cents

Who is bitching about a piano roll?..If you went to the first wayback link you’ll see that it was at that time a SCHEDULED FEATURE…

I get along with the tracker GUI just fine & I know the advantages & disadvantages of such…That’s why I prefer both. Makes for a much quicker & fluid workflow having both…

Trackers were made cause it was the only way you could graphically represent a scrolling GUI for such back then…

I added the Phrazor link as a favor for those wanting to get as close to having a piano roll in renoise or other as possible…so none is bitching…

Would be nice if renoise had option of either streaming to-from disc OR the default RAM method…SVArTracker has such an option as well as having a ‘roll your own’ effect command scripting which is quite cool…

To Add…Just now thought about…

Aodix I think is the best way to add a piano roll & it works so well in that ‘tickless’ environment where you can actually drag notes on top of each other…

You begin using standard tracker methodology then adjust notes quickly with piano roll…

I have an intro for a tune I did where I also used a joystick to bend the bass guitar harmonics…Unfortunately complete crash of computer from a rootkit the only part saved was the intro…

Done in Aodix 4.2 very short-

I used a joystick for fluid motion as the nanoKEY has horrible pitch bend…