In which order are the Internal DSP’s placed? I think it could be in alphabetical order. But because it isn’t I guess it has some purpose that I’m not aware of. Should they be placed in that order when adding them to tracks?
We tried to group them by category. Your posts shows then then this was not really successfully
Ah, ok… But then each DSP has it’s own catagory? The only catagory I can see that could contain more than one DSP would be Reverb + mpReverb. What are the names of the catagories? And are those in alphabetical order?
To name a few categories:
filter2, EQ 5 , EQ 10 and Mixer EQ are all filters.
Delay , flanger , phaser, reverb and mpReverb are all delay fx.
Distortion, LofiMat and shaper do alter/shape the sound.
Gate/compressor alter the dynamics of the sound.
In a way gainer and DC offset with the dynamic fx belong under ‘amplify/amplitude’.
Whats the big deal really? Its not that many native fx yet
Ahh… Never thought about it. Thanks for making it a bit more clear. And it has never been a big deal… It’s just that if you didn’t knew you’ll probably just wonder why they are placed like that.
ah ok cool
The day when it’ll be some more effects your should think about displaying the caption of every groupd in the list. Just a thought.