As I am a big collector of soundfonts (sf2) and no option for sf2 is available (yet?) in Renoise I have to extract all the samples from the soundfonts to use them.
The first extracts all samples in one time. (very handy)
The second you can only extract one at a time. (so no use there, same as Vienna)
Ok, 1 problem and maybe 2 solutions.
The problem is:
The first program extracts the WAV files with a default loop (do not know how to disable it), which is very annoying when you load them in Renoise. All samples have a default forward loop. So every time I have to “load” “turn off loop” and “play” the sample.
The first solution:
An option in Renoise to enable/disable WAV properties on load.
The second solution:
If somebody is reading this and knows a better solution or freeware programm that extracts WAVs from Soundfonts easily, please reply.
Here is another posible solution: Renoise supports VSTi and then you can use a VSTi that can handle soundfonts. One good example of this is the VSTi-samplers Kontakt or Halion 2.
1st : soundforge has an batch-processor, which can delete “additional information” from wav-files, which does include loops.
2nd : there are a few sf2-players around, I know of these:
virtual sampler :…er/english.html this one is rather expensive, and it does not allow multiple instances, which, combined with renoises’ currently not avaiable multitimbrality-system makes it nearly useless. but when renoise can handle this multi-timbral-stuff, this one will be dope !
jeskola xs-1 (cant find an url at the moment) : tried only the demoversion so far, it costs 30€ if I am right and I didnt like it too much, cant do the things virtual sampler can do.
sf2-player (cant find an url either) : very basic thingie, its freeware (I can send it to you by email if you wish), but it has only 3-note-polyphony. too less for most stuff. (but you can load it again and again and again.)
thanks for your info.
I know there are VST solutions, but that is not what I am looking for.
I just want to have the samples of the sf2, not the possibilities with it.
But now I can easily “rip” them with the first program and hoping to find a programm to remove that “additional information”.