Option To Mute Midi Input While Rec Window Is Open...

So, you’re in the process of building a multi-sample instrument within Renoise by sampling different keyboard intervals of the same sound from an external synthesizer.

You open up the record window from the sample editor and record the first sample. You trim it up until it sounds good, then move to the 2nd sample slot to record the next interval, but notice something wrong. Now when you play on the keyboard in the REC window, two sounds are heard. The live notes you hear through the record monitor while playing your keyboard and also the sample that you just recorded in the first sample slot.

Solution: Either provide an option in preferences or a check box in the REC window to mute the current instrument from MIDI input while sampling. It is very unlikely that you will want to hear it anyways because you’d probably rather hear what you are about to record all by itself in the REC monitor.

Have I missed an option that already exists? I see no quick way to temporarily “mute” MIDI input without having to open up the Preferences window, switch to the MIDI page and change the MIDI input device drop down menu to “None”. It wouldn’t even need to be an option in the UI. I would be happy with a configurable shortcut key option to toggle MIDI input off/on.

You can also temporary record in sample-slot 01 in the first place (instead of recording into slot 00) so that the sample in slot 00 that is mapped to all your keys by default, remains empty and you don’t hear a sound when recording in slot 02. That sounds like a much easier and faster solution that you can practice right now ;)