Osx: Cursor Keys Work Intermittently In Pattern Editor

i occasionally experience similar mysterious keypresses quite randomly… started a topic about it once. my experiences are similar to yours, fairweather, but with much less frequency or regularity i think… for me it’s just a small annoyance.

i’m using a macbook, the early 2009 white model, with 10.5.8. these strange scroll locks/false kepresses also occur on my early 2009 mac mini with similar specs. even happened a couple of times on the macbook with an external usb keyboard. never experienced anything like it on my linux or windows xp boxes…

no rhyme or reason, seems totally random…renoise is the only program i’ve ever noticed it in… i’ve tried to take note of any specific things i might be doing to cause this, but nothing has popped up yet. wish i had better info to give you taktik…

hope this makes sense… i’m kinda tired/buzzed