If you use one of the synths that support polyphonic aftertouch like Diva, Zebra, ArcSyn, FM8,
polyphonic aftertouch is not working in Renoise. You can see that polyphonic aftertouch is received in the midi monitor,
but the synths do not seem to receive the values…
Those synths work flawlessly with poly-aftertouch in Bitwig, Ableton…
Polyphonic aftertouch is enabled in Renoise’s midi options, too.
Did I miss something here?
Why it does not work? Does Renoise not support it, only displaying it in the monitor?
EDIT: Now it work again… After restarting Renoise…
EDIT: Now it is not working again after restart…
I think that something is broken here.
If I restart Renoise, poly aftertouch is mot transmitted to synths, again. Filter is always not enabled. So, checked
EDIT: After a bunch of restarts, still no poly aftertouch. but visible in monitor. one time it worked!