Other recording software works but not renoise

Not being able to record happens often and I’m usually able to fix it adjusting sound card, but I haven’t had any luck in weeks. Really kills the creative whims…

If there’s one update to do it would be resolving this issue permanently…

Ahh, Muxed input is missing in ASIO4ALL. Any suggestions?

use the factory drivers?

They don’t work either…

What do you want to record exactly?

Anything. Just trying to get the sample recorder to work. None of my drivers work. Can record fine in other software though…

Well, you describe your problem not accurate, so nobody will be able to help.

Well, you describe your problem not accurate, so nobody will be able to help.

  • Muxed input disappeared in my ASIO4ALL driver…

  • Windows driver does not work…

  • I can’t record samples…

  • Can record fine in other applications…

How much more accurate do I need to be?

Repeating the same weak info won’t help at all :stuck_out_tongue:

Renoise is what is weak. I’ve had similar issues like this since I bought my copy. Everything else I have runs fine. You’d figure a program like Renoise would be solid as a rock, but NOPE!

New logo for renoise…