I am new to renoise. I would like to send 14 bit MIDI CC messages to an external MIDI device (that I am developing), but only seem to be able to send a single 7 bit value. Using the “General Purpose Controller 1” on MIDI channel 1 as an example, I want to send the 14 bit value via the following 6 or 5 byte sequence:
0xB0 Control Change for Channel 1
0x10 CC 16General Purpose Controller 1 MSB
0x__ Most significant 7 bits of value
0xB0 Control Change for Channel 1 ( Optional if MIDI running statuses can be enabled! )
0x30 CC 48General Purpose Controller 1 LSB
0x__ Least significant 7 bits of value
I want to be able to do this in order to be able to, for example, use a renoise LFO to control the cutoff frequency of my external MIDI device at 14 bit resolution (16384 different values) rather than 7 bit (128 different values)
Is this possible?
Additionally, is it possible to enable MIDI running statuses in order to regain some of the already limited MIDI bandwidth?