edit: it’s now a .rar file because the host i chose doesn’t ‘support streaming mp3’… ay yai yai
seems like something went horribly wrong, sounds totally broken up, I suggest a new upload
and that seems to go for all songs on that site
or maybe it’s ultra minimal?
if it’s that minimal, we should get maximum explanation?
edit 2: mp3 link: http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/2/1/2745511/31__Pacific_Surf.mp3
A very short noise, then silence.
No, definately not.
For some odd reason I am REALLY enjoying this haha…
and the outro… awww! nice one
(in fact, I like it so much it made me edit this post before I posted it!)
oooh, it reminds me of manowar’s sting of the bumblebee
tasty outro indeed!
edit3: Thanks for listening/comments!