I’ve done some looking around on this, and can’t seem to find an answer.
In the mixer, certain tracks won’t pan. They stay centered, no matter what the position of the panning control (they’ll turn off if panned 50R).
In Cubase, a guitar track gets recorded as mono, then can be ‘turned into stereo’ in any number of ways (loading a ‘stereo VST’ in the chain). Typically i can load ‘The Knob’ VST into the signal chain, and then the track is stereo, and can then be readily panned.
The Renoise mixer doesn’t appear to work this way.
I probably don’t understand what is going on yet, but typically there are tracks 1-3 and they’re drums, bass, and ‘key/lead.’ Then, i’ve got a guitar sample track on 4. When going into mixer mode, the guitar signal (Track 4) is in both channels; right and left; but it won’t pan.
It looks as though I’ll have to go back (to the other, music machine) and take a closer look at this.
Anyway, the drums, bass, and lead all will pan.
One workaround is that, on the guitar channel the ampsim has panning controls. I can get it to pan with those. This wasn’t necessary in Cubase though. There, i would set the guitar ampsim VST panning to the center, then pan in the mixer.
I’ll take a look at all of the things you have suggested.