Spotted a couple of quirks on the pattern matrix, related to the drag to copy -feature (or whatchamacallit).
(my first ever screen caps on mac / youtube videos. damn that was hard. I don’t know if its my crappy screen cap soft that’s causing it, but the renoise custom cursor does not appear on the vid. It shows on my screen, though.)
The drag to copy -feature quirk 1 - No drag action:
- Make one unique pattern that has song data
- Sequence two instances of the same pattern
- Hover over the lower edge of the first pattern’s pattern matrix block that contains data so as to bring up the drag to copy -cursor
- Click, release.
The first pattern is uniquified.
Expected result (debatable?):
No change, since nothing was done (no dragging).
The drag to copy quirk 2 - Unnecessary uniques:
- Identical to quirk 1
- Click, drag to lower pattern.
Both patterns are uniquified.
Expected result (debatable?):
No change, since no actual change in song data (?)
[u]The drag to copy quirk 3 - Superfluous uniques?:
[/u]1. Make two unique patterns, the first one containing song data, other does not matter either way
2. Sequence them so that there’s first one instance of the first pattern, then several of the second pattern
3. In pattern matrix, hover over the first patterns song data block to bring up the drag to copy cursor
4. Drag the pattern over the instances below, all of which are instances of the second pattern
All instances within the area that was dragged over become unique
Expected result (debatable):
Since IMO there’s no real need (?) for separate unique instances, one could expect that 1) the second pattern instance is merely updated or 2) only one unique pattern is created, and instances of that pattern placed over the sequence area that is dragged over. The amount of unique patterns created feels superfluous.
But I’d like to hear the take of devteam and other users regarding this uniquifying business? Is this a feature (one could argue that it’s rather quick to create an unique pattern by just clicking and releasing on a lower half of a pattern matrix block that has song data) or is this just an oversight…?