Patterncommand for "Jump to another pattern"?


Is it not possible to jump to another pattern in Renois with a command? I don’t mean “ZBxx” to jump to a specific line in the next pattern, but jump from pattern 3 to 8 for example. Like in the old school trackers.

I hope this will be possible in the future versions.

If you want to go from one pattern to another, why not simply program that progression into the pattern sequence itself?

Are these “old school” tricks really necessary when creating your music nowadays?

Surely it’s better to give your song a logical structure that makes sense, one that you can easily see and follow at a glance, rather than relying on these old hacks and tricks to jump around from place to place?

I think this feature can improve the playback of old tracker songs in renoise. Its a missing command.


I don’t need it in a way, but this song will play in loop, since I’m going to use it in a game I’m making. So, when the song is finished, I want to jump to the second pattern in the song, pattern 1.

I think you are right anyway. I normal don’t need it. :slight_smile:

I think this feature can improve the playback of old tracker songs in renoise. Its a missing command.

Yes! Special if the old tracker mods have pattern jump

It’d probably be more interesting if the jump were triggered randomly.

you can do pattern jump by pressing play button located in front of each pattern in column with pattern numbers or smth, or you can loop like a from half song to infinity by checking patterns with ctrl, mouse work or midi controller or go back to modplug

Once the song ends I want to avoid the opening pattern and jump straight to pattern #2, looped indefinitely.

In this case a possibility is to use the looping patterns option? (

Hello, I signed up just to reply to this, lol.

Are these “old school” tricks really necessary when creating your music nowadays?

Not because of memory limitations, but because renoise has the Yxx effect.
It has one and a half upsides.
The half upside is, you could leave renoise running while it constantly generates generative music, but still allow for an intro that is only played once (if one puts the jump command at the end to jump past the intro)

This is only half an upgrade because that’s already possible with the ‘loop tickboxes’ next to the patterns.

But the full upgrade could be even more randomness for the generative music, don’t just play notes ‘maYbely’ but jump through the whole song like that.

And, well I guess the bonus would be compatibility with oldschool ways, for a peace of mind for those who yearn for it.