[pending] Linux: System-wide crash with 2 instances of pianoteq VST

This module uses 2 instances of Pianoteq, one panned in each side for a superb stereo effect. After playing for a few minutes (practicing on my midi keyboard) i get this epic crash that freezes my whole Ubuntu system with the caps lock led flashing. I “kind of” can move the mouse but it’s really really sluggish, and the sound card makes a loud buzzing sound. (linux crashing/freezing doesn’t happen very often!!!)

Maybe you could try with the demo version of pianoteq if you don’t have the full version? I don’t know if this is a bug in pianoteq, or in renoise, or some weird hardware issue. I’m using my laptop running Linux Ubuntu Studio, 32bit with internal sound card.

I’ll try to see what happens if i disable realtime priority.

Well, playing for more than half an hour with realtime priority disabled, no crash yet… let’s see what happens if i enable it again.

Boom. Crash after a few minutes with realtime enabled.

Oh forgot to mention i’m using alsa, and i also noticed that the caps lock led only starts flashing after about a minute of trying to restore my system to a usable state… ie. trying to close renoise with an extremely sluggish interface.

I can also see that the system is not completely frozen, since some animated icons for yahoo chat etc. are still moving as normal.

post log contents

Haven’t had a chance to give this a detailed test, but will do soon. Apart from sharing the log file, could you please also test if disabling the “Can run in multiprocessor environments” compatibility option in Renoise fixes the problem? Quite likely that this is the problem.

Ok, testing now… should crash within a few minutes.

Well, nothing of much use that i can see in the log file :confused:

testing further by disabling the multi-processor compatibility option you mentioned…

/* edit */ well, playing for over an hour now, and no crashing. Looks like you were right taktik =)

Could you please report this to the pianoteq crew? This is a bug in the VST then, and should be fixed.

Done. Also linked them back to this thread:


…um, nope. still getting crashes even with “can run in SMP” disabled :confused:

Double-checked if “can run in SMP” was disabled, still getting system-wide crashes with alsa + realtime priority + 2 instances of pianoteq playing. Have to reboot my laptop when it occurs (haven’t managed to restore it to a usable state)