phrase does not switch using instr. macro

Trying to switch between phrases with the macro device …not working

The arp .saw.

In pattern 2 , I want to switch to the second phrase .however .it still keeps playing the first phrase

When using the regular ‘Zxx command’ it works , when using 1Zxx ( 1= 1st dsp device in this case macro controller ) it does not work unless the command is set before the actual trigger of the phrase …;

second example

Not sure if there is another reason gentleclock, but I find if you write your IZXX command a line before as well (on the previous pattern), that seems to then latch the new phrase in the next pattern (as a little workaround).

I understand the Macro phrase as “initialization” for later notes, i.e. I would use it to set the program_before_triggering notes.

This makes sense when you’re otherwise leaving the phrase number unset (play whichever phrase is selected). Good for some flexibility.

I if wanted precise control I would always go with the Zxx command. That command will have no effect without a corresponding note, so they’re not really the same thing.

But what I would consider a bug is the glitchy way you use right-click to automate the “drop-down” while using graphical automation. That just seems broken?

Not sure if there is another reason gentleclock, but I find if you write your IZXX command a line before as well (on the previous pattern), that seems to then latch the new phrase in the next pattern (as a little workaround).

Indeed, and the reason is that, technically, the Macro device is issuing a message which works similarly to MIDI events. It’s not aprogram-change message though - it doesn’t change the program for plugins.

O.K. makes sense that the (dsp nr.)zxx command from the macro needs to be inserted before the actual trigger , just wanted to know if it’s a bug .

Clearly not .