I just thought I should use the last pre-beta hours to share my positive feelings with regard to the phrases which I finally used in a song. For some reason I always thought they were only available for Renoise internal instruments and never really got into them, but to my surprise they are independent of that. Used them to create some nice sequences which I could then easily trigger in different keys. Works great and is quite inspirational.
So, yeah…phrases are awesome!
Wait… you can use phrases on plugin instruments?
are you serious? How are you guys using Renoise…
edit; n00bs!!!
Same here actually, just in the last few days I’ve finally incorporated them in to a song. I never really saw the point of them but after actually using them properly I’m starting to see how much fun they are. I came across some workflow issues but I think I just need to learn about them more and explore what can really be done with them. They’ve expanded renoise massively for me, particularly being able to flip them!
you can also automate(put lfo’s)on the plugin within the instrument effects chains, simply stick the meta device in a doofer.
With a bit of trickery you can have a whole lot of automation sets that you can switch on the fly neatly organised in the instrument itself
With a formula device you can make them restart on new pattern, fit to new pattern etc.
you can also automate(put lfo’s)on the plugin within the instrument effects chains, simply stick the meta device in a doofer.
With a bit of trickery you can have a whole lot of automation sets that you can switch on the fly neatly organised in the instrument itself
Cool, I anticipate (=hope) the new renoise to have phrase like control over other things as well, things like automation, being able to program shapes in a phrase and transpose them through the keyboard etc.
I bet macro control in phrases will bea big feature in 3.1
you can also automate(put lfo’s)on the plugin within the instrument effects chains, simply stick the meta device in a doofer.
I hate to ask this but I don’t know what you’re taking about, I can’t see a way to do what you’re explaining. Could you elaborate a bit?
Agreed about phrases. They are also super cool for sequencing chopped up breaks.
Phrases are great but i dont like one thing. The way how you open them, i dont like the position of that phrase button :].
You are right, I use phrases alot with vst instruments. With scales its a quite powerful arp.
@gova: do you have some examples? Would be interesting. Too bad its currently not possible to route vsti audio through the instrument effect chains. This would allow us to save complex sounds with vsti and effects as one patch.
I hate to ask this but I don’t know what you’re taking about, I can’t see a way to do what you’re explaining. Could you elaborate a bit?
You are right, I use phrases alot with vst instruments. With scales its a quite powerful arp.
@gova: do you have some examples? Would be interesting. Too bad its currently not possible to route vsti audio through the instrument effect chains. This would allow us to save complex sounds with vsti and effects as one patch.
This is the concept I had in mind, uses oatmeal vst:
A fun thing is you can do is ‘freeze the automation’ by disabling the doofer, therefore’freezing’ the currently modulated values.
a pity oatmeal isn’t available for mac.
Now this is cool info, that phrases and meta modulation will work with plugin instruments!
To combine the stuff, am I right that triggering macros to meta effects isn’t possible via phrases? That’d be too sad, I’ve already dreamt of having an octave or two mapped to different automation variations in the inst.fx, and using the midi keyboard to sequence those automation snippets like you’d do with breakbeat chops.
Now this is cool info, that phrases and meta modulation will work with plugin instruments!
To combine the stuff, am I right that triggering macros to meta effects isn’t possible via phrases? That’d be too sad, I’ve already dreamt of having an octave or two mapped to different automation variations in the inst.fx, and using the midi keyboard to sequence those automation snippets like you’d do with breakbeat chops.
I have no proof for it, but expect (hope ;)) such macro control through phrases to be in the next beta.
triggering macros to meta effects isn’t possible via phrases?
It is possible right now actually. Using a key tracker set to soft. The trick is to trigger phrases in a key range where keys in that range are not used in the phrase.Use aseparate empty sample (empty samples don’t get saved when you save the xrni, though)
In fact,using a velocity tracker in combination with a formula in this system will allow you to actually have edit a value of that automation inside the phrase, you just have to make the velocity tracker work only when its corresponding key is pressed.
EDIT: you could do that, or, you could simply isolate the velocity/key tracker to your empty sample.
EDIT2: In fact, just use different samples and velocities for different things, would make things far simpler, as the automation triggering sample will have their own key, the 12 sample limit is irrelevant to them.
Here’s a quick example
word of warning, since the key/vel trackers are in doofers, their controlled sample number doesn’t change, take that in mind when you add samples, add them after your reset samples
Something a bit more handier would be a long phrase in which you don’t have a lot of different automations, but only control the resets of the lfos, so by having the phrase in offset will allow you to make breaks with automation, without invoking the break command
I bet things like these are being overlooked by a lot of people all the time, Renoise is so packed with features that it’s easy to miss a couple.
When 3.0 beta christmas present arrived through the chimney i wasn’t really THAT stoked about it, “hey why would i need this when i already got 2.8?”, but as i overwhelmingly started unwrapping it turned into super exitement.
Learning curve was steep, but it really got me more exited, everything seems possible.
I proudly created my first instruments that sounded awesome, things that have never been possible in earlier releases, modulation sets and even FX. Hell yeah!
Shared them in tips and tricks and this is how it went:
Me: Look at my amazin new instruments. -link-
Djeroek: Where the fookin macros you nuub?
Me: I totally know about macros, whatthe fook i need macros? (not having a clue what macros really was)
Not exactly how it happened, but that’s approximately how i remember it. :lol:
Moral of the story: Know your shit, or Djeroek will be there to turn your proud moment into public humiliation.
Read The Fucking Manual! (Yeah right, like i’m gonna read through that thing, hell no!)
I’m kinda still waiting for the USB 16.0 Brain plug, 512 books per second.
I can tell you exactly why I didn’t know you could use phrases for plugins: Because phrases are under the Sampler tab.
I can tell you exactly why I didn’t know you could use phrases for plugins: Because phrases are under the Sampler tab.
But phrases are also under the plugins tab though.
i’m yet to use phrases even once.
Man that’s like a sin.