I wanna know how to make it so that if i start playback (loop, song), the pitchstep rows are reset?
so if i have this ^ - how do i make sure it starts from the first row when i start playback from first row?
I wanna know how to make it so that if i start playback (loop, song), the pitchstep rows are reset?
so if i have this ^ - how do i make sure it starts from the first row when i start playback from first row?
Edit: Actually, see the thread here: How to reset the Stepper in Instrument modulation section - at the beginning of each bar? - #11 by renoize-user
Basically, tie a macro to the reset button on the stepper, insert instrument macros on the relevant track, and then send both a +1 and a 0 entry to force the macro to turn on the reset button.
i figured out how to do it via API - the resetting. i am now looking at how to do the resetting on all instruments that have pitchsteps. before properly starting playback.
yep this macro thing is a possibility, but i already use all 8 macros by default, i cannot sacrifice one for this, this should really be optional/native thing without needing hacks
Be curious if you could expand/report back. It would be nice to expose this as directly automatable without a macro, hope you find another way forward!
Thanks for the idea! I will add it to my paketti automation doofer, ie automatic Reset of all pitchstep devices. This could prove to be very fun.