Plans for Renoise?

This makes it sound like Renoise is a buggy, unoptimized mess. However, I think most of us find it to be quite stable and reliable. In fact, Renoise is actually one of the most solid programs I’ve used. It just feels tight and responsive. I’ve definitely found VST’s and situations that cause Renoise to crash, but I work around/save often around them. I believe Renoise’s stock DSP effects and sampler engine are super stable, though.

Good for you, unfortunately your experience doesn’t invalidate the experience of countless other users

Indeed. However, neither does your experience of bugs and performance issues invalidate the experiences of those who haven’t had those problems.

This whole “your experience is wrong because you’re probably not really smart and you’re doing something wrong and that never happened to me” vibe here is really annoying

Your reply to TNT is actually where a rude attitude entered the conversation, to be honest. I think you might have become defensive after misinterpreting his intent, which I guarantee wasn’t to convey “your experience is wrong, you’re not smart, you’re doing it wrong, it’s your fault, etc”. It seemed to me like he was trying to help you troubleshoot, which is why he shared the OS he’s using. Whatever’s causing your problems, nobody’s suggesting it’s your fault.

I understand not wanting to be spammy by reporting too many bugs, but it’s actually helpful for devs to have these things brought to their attention, even when it’s a ton all at once.

If I were having constant issues like you say you’ve had, I would be hoping for them to be fixed as well. I understand being frustrated when a tool isn’t functioning how you need/want it to, even if it was free. Once you invest time into becoming comfortable with a tool, you want it to be reliable and work with you effectively. Hopefully your issues/use case will be improved soon.


I want to see a cloud based Renoise with AI assistant. What will it take to make this happen?
Paging @billgates


Hi, thanks for the reply. Perhaps this isn’t the most appropriate place to vent or rant about my particular experience but given that I know so many people going through the same experience than I while simultaneously reading so many replies of people writing directly to the dev team saying basically “Renoise is fine the way it is” I felt that I should make this point. Not because I want to cause a scene or discredit others but because - as you mentioned - I really use and like this tool and it’s a relevant commentary to be made in this context.

Regarding what I said earlier, the “your experience is wrong, you’re not smart, you’re doing it wrong, it’s your fault, etc” vibe I can’t pretend this isn’t real, and this isn’t only my experience debating with people here, a friend of mine recently made a post here and he finished it asking people not to roast him… because he already knew how some people here can be overly defensive and rude to others even over the simplest of suggestions. So, yeah, I won’t withdraw my statement because this is actually something that should be pointed out from time to time, because it’s evident and it’s not cool.


Ah, I see. I didn’t realize you were referring to vibes you’ve gotten from other threads, not specifically from this current thread. I haven’t experienced that myself, but I don’t doubt it. Some people can be very opinionated. Personally, I kind of like a community with a bit of spice to it :joy: But, I’m not super active on forums, I’m usually just a casual reader. So, I’m not usually in the vulnerable position of asking for help, being at the mercy of the forum.

I do think it’s good that you originally brought up that you’ve experienced constant bugs and performance issues, and even better to weigh in on which general areas of the program seem to need the most work.

Thanks for your response! :grin: Renoise is the only forum I actually frequent. I enjoy talking with anyone and everyone who even knows Renoise exists!


Hahaha please no! No AI, please!


Hello again :slight_smile:
here in this post it is more or less well explained what could be updated for the future , that is the possibility of managing the vst plugs in the hybrid construction.

txs :slight_smile:

Was he one of those piano roll people?That would explain a lot!


Well, thanks for exemplifying precisely the type of behavior I was commenting about! Cheers.


Your welcome :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:


*You’re you mean right


You’re welcome :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:


I think you gotta have at least a little bit of thick skin if you’re gonna get on any message board, no? I mean I feel like this community is pretty helpful and considerate overall but maybe it’s awful? I dunno. I like a lil spice so maybe I’m biased


You gotta have an even thicker skin to call out certain types of behavior. The fact that bad takes and rude people exist doesn’t - on its own - justify their existence, rudeness isn’t an axiom, we don’t have to sit down and accept that it exists as if there was no way to take any action against it. I’m sure everyone here has their own experience being a member of this forum and the fact that I’m talking about this doesn’t mean I find this place awful or want to discredit other people’s experiences, I just think it’s necessary to point out from time to time that it’s OK to detail problems and issues in Renoise, that it’s OK to suggest things but it’s NOT ok to gatekeep, gaslight and trash other people’s opinions while providing absolutely 0 contribution to the topic at hand. No one should have to feel hesitant of seeking advice or suggesting a feature here on the forum and as long this continues to happen I’ll continue to point this out. That being said, I’ll quit spamming in this thread since I’m really diverging from the main topic. See ya!


I dunno. It seems reasonable to expect that some ppl will be horrid at least sometimes in life. Ideally we should all get along, but since when does life conform to the individual’s ideal? I don’t offer this by way of an excuse for bad behavior on anyone’s part, but I don’t think it’s rational to expect only harmony where humans are concerned. Sorry if you’ve had bad or painfully challenging experiences here, and doubly so if the fault was my own.

I agree. There’s no good reason to empower bad behavior, especially if it doesn’t contribute meaningfully to the discussion. But we all have different tolerances and opinions (and senses of humor) as far as such things are concerned. I think it’s fine for people to express strong opinions, as long as it doesn’t get too personal. That’s just my opinion tho of course


Excact what i write in my post. They only want to defend their personal claims.

Renoise is good for 2000-2010 time period if you want make chiptunes, instrumentals and little fun projects. I don’t would recommend Renoise for people that want to do professional projects with regularity voicelines, and so on, or to someone who want work with modern DAW’s. Renoise doing his thing and works as it is in its nowadays condition, but without new features (waverecording, pianoroll for instance), long standing bugs ( drag and drop bugs on Windows, false starting window sizemode, or performance issuses (try doing multible correcpondent waveform manipulators after each other and watching the massiv slowed reacting Waveform Diagramlines in InstrumentFX) it is for me personally in the near of an abadoned software. Use it as long it works, but dont expect anything from this for the future.

happy tracking :slight_smile:

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Thanks dude :fist:t2:

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I am personally not for a pianoroll, since then I simply can use Bitwig, which is also way further developed in a lot of areas. Also there are now two pianoroll tools. I mean this seriously, if you are more into pianorolls, but do not want to miss a proper modulation system and similar features, really try Bitwig. If a really solid pianoroll and notation are your preferences, try Studio One, Cubase or maybe Ableton 12. Ableton also has support for “tools”.

So I am suggesting stuff which I think would make working with Renoise much more easy and make all want using Renoise more often. And which can’t be done with a script. For example a parallel container.

Often nowadays I revisit Renoise just because of the pattern view, and this parallel overview of everything. I think this really is the core feature of Renoise. But at the same time I still struggle with Renoise, when it comes to midi recording, quick dsp routing, groove, timing precision, automation. It is somehow possible all, but it really takes my time more than I like and forces me to focus on technical aspects of the software instead my creative flow. All these areas work mostly without limitations in other DAWs. But then again, only Renoise shows me precisely each track next to each other, clearly making timings and note interaction visible right at my fingertips, at a glance. And then all those nice tools and shortcuts. Not getting a tennis arm in the pianoroll…

But if you feel like requesting a piano roll, go on, I won’t critize you for that, I just think it’s lost energy and there also are better options then…


Well I’m pretty sure the piano roll will never be implemented, taktik said it wouldn’t in another thread so it’s pointless to complain about it.Raul is pretty consistent with updating his piano roll tool so they could just use that.I just find it humorous that the people who want the piano roll are absolutely furious that it hasn’t been implemented.They are sooo sensitive!

It’s fascinating to see every discussion about the future of Renoise ending up in a “Renoise needs a piano roll” discussion. People should realize that Renoise only exists because it was intended to be a proper DAW WITHOUT a piano roll from the very beginning. Read again. :see_no_evil:

Exactly! And that’s simply not true. Furthermore I would claim that at least 50% of the issues that people are experiencing with Renoise are not caused by Renoise. Often it turns out that the problems were caused by the operating system, the external software, the hardware settings, incorrect handling or whatever.


LOL, sorry. Maybe I just messed up the topic… Now that I scroll back I see that only NPC requested a pianoroll here.