"Play Current Line" Ignores Editstep

If you tie a shortcut to Play current Line, and press the shortcut, the EditStep amount gets ignored.

Don’t think this is really a bug. After all, it’s EditStep… not PlayStep :)

However, it would be nice to have a shortcut that plays the current line and then jumps ahead by the edit step amount.

That’s for certain! And also a “play the current line of current column” :)

That is scriptable.
But i guess not without using OSC.

Something like this:

--8. "8" in ImpulseTracker "Plays Current Line" and "Advances by EditStep".  
function PlayCurrentLine()  
local currpos=renoise.song().transport.edit_pos  
local sli=renoise.song().selected_line_index  
local t=renoise.song().transport  
local result=nil  
local start_time = os.clock()  
 while (os.clock() - start_time < 0.2) do  
 -- Delay the start after panic. Don't go below 0.2 seconds   
 -- or you might tempt some plugins to crash and take Renoise in the fall!!   
 if renoise.song().selected_line_index == renoise.song().selected_pattern.number_of_lines then  
 renoise.song().selected_line_index = 1  
 if renoise.song().selected_pattern.number_of_lines < renoise.song().selected_line_index+renoise.song().transport.edit_step  
 then renoise.song().selected_line_index=renoise.song().selected_pattern.number_of_lines  

renoise.tool():add_midi_mapping {name = "Global:Paketti:Play Current Line & Advance by EditStep x[Toggle]", invoke = function() PlayCurrentLine() end}  

renoise.tool():add_keybinding {name = "Global:Paketti:Play Current Line & Advance by EditStep", invoke = function() PlayCurrentLine() end}  

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