Please add VST3 support

Doesn’t show up in renoise

Radium supports VST3 already for quite a while… :wink:

Oh, that’s odd, I’m using it in renoise myself

It just doen’t show up , and not only in renoise ,also reaper , loomer architect in which I can just drag drop a vst dll onto the mixer .
No luck ’
Win 10 , 64 bit

Weird! I checked on my other PC and it’s good here too. Both win 10 64 bit. Sorry about that :man_shrugging:

It also makes my eyes bleed.

So what? Doesn’t change the fact that it does support it…

Just downloaded Radium out of shear curiosity.
Radium is actually amazing … I’m thoroughly impressed with it at the moment…

I would highly recommend for anyone who wants new features now, rather than later.

I just noticed that if you pay for the “Large” version of Radium, your requests will be made priority over “Medium” version users.

So, for people specifically wanna revert back to the old days where users requested features and the tracker company obliged, Radium is it!! … But admittedly, the UI isn’t nearly as pretty as Renoise

even if they’re rubbish requests? :grin:


Sure why not … :joy::joy:

Is sidechaining working with radium?

So I guess the next step is releasing Redux as a VST3?


Oh yes, and sidechain input support!

this is the most pathetic complaint I have ever heard for a tracker. I’m just sad Piggy Tracker won’t work on my Mac m1. Anything renoise does is good enough for me. y’all normies gotta chill out and make your own damn sample packs.

who cares about vst3 suppport, anything renoise is capable of,is a godsent compared to other DAW’s, especially with all stock capabilities.

tracker music used to be about hardware minimalism and breakcore, now you’re whiny tech heads complaining about incompatibility. get over yourself, make another record instead.


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I’m not sure what political opinions have to do with this. you are overreacting to a software that is created by a single person who has created an incredible piece of software as is. I am only commenting about this because you seem to be a troll paid by some large commercial software company. there are too many competitors to predict whom you may paid by, but from reading your text, I would strongly assume Reason. I actually used to love Reason and they disappolinted everyone with their subscription business model.

I assert that you are in fact a Shill

Imagine signing up just to post this brain rot.

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Funny this thread got bumped all this time later and Reason still doesn’t support VST3

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it’s in progress tho