the following is the behaviour one would expect right away of this intuitive and standard file browser
besides ctrl + clicking, one may also cycle the focus to the file list by ctrl + tab-ing …(ctrl + shift + tab cycles backwards) also handy for switching from/to the track selector field
with focus on the file list, tab switches focus between the left and right field
in the left tree view
on a folder, right arrow key expands it, left arrow key collapses it
enter key selects the folder
in the right field
on a folder, enter key opens it
on a file, enter key loads the sample/instrument (to the presently selected track)
on “…”, enter key goes “…” (up the tree)
(pg up/dn for jumping)
ctrl + up/down arrows switches between the registries on the left hand side (Song, DSP Chain, Instrument, Sample, Theme)
ctrl + 1-4 switches between the (saved) alternative repositories
if not needing to browse the whole disk, (most of the time that is)
another option is to drag the frame separator between the two fields all to the left <<<
now this leaves one field where the focus stays in, which gives quiet a clean and undistracted view
for browsing the samples and instruments …
while availing oneself exclusively of the left hand side registry facility for switching repositories
@devs: the field that is now called “search” should technically be called “filter”