I’ve get a lot of gui crashs when using ctrl-c /ctrl v command inside plugdata as an fx
I am copying data from a liist to a message
For that I click on a list ( to select it ) , press ctr-c , then ctrl-e to unlock the,panel , then ctr-v into a message to paste
Renoise most often crashes during this process
share renoise log messages on the crashes?
Please report this to the Plugdata developers and provide a description on how to replicate this problem.
Yes , that has always been part of my bug report routine.
Report on renoise forum and designated forum .
It’s just that Renoise is verry sensitive to (vst) crashes and they always appear out of the blue meaning it’s verry difficult to replicate .
Log.txt (1.4 MB)
bug happened at 14:38:04 and 15:08:21
CrashLog: Handling Exception! Code : C0000005
CrashLog: 00007FFC490BDD97: GetPluginFactory +1DF147
CrashLog: 00007FFC4907D8D2: GetPluginFactory +19EC82
CrashLog: 000000001A4EB7C0: ??? +00000
CrashLog: 0000000000000002: ??? +00000
CrashLog: 000000000C3741B0: ??? +00000
CrashLog: 000000002B629C60: ??? +00000
CrashLog: 000000002123A350: ??? +00000
CrashLog: 0000006100000088: ??? +00000
CrashLog: 000000000000047B: ??? +00000
Application: Caught an unhandled fatal exception (Thread: GUI)!
Application: Saving a backup…
Error Message: A fatal error or crash occurred (unhandled exception in thread: GUI).
Error Message: A backup of the current document was saved at
Error Message: ‘C:\Users\ikke\AppData\Roaming\Renoise\V3.4.2\CrashBackups\Untitled_1_22_2025__15_16_crash.xrns’…
Error Message: This either happened because of a bug in Renoise, or because of a bug in one of its loaded components (plugins). Please contact bug@renoise.com and report this problem, so that it can be fixed.
Error Message: Note: It’s very important that we know exactly what has happened (what you were doing before this message popped up), or the problem cannot be replicated/analyzed. Please include a description of what you were doing and which components were being used…
Application: Terminating…
ASIO: Stop Polling…
ASIO: Releasing ASIO4ALL v2…
MIDI: Shut down: Closing all acquired MIDI devices…
MIDI: Shutting down MIDI server…
MIDI: Shutting down DirectMusic…