I remember a while ago (maybe Renoise 2.0 RC2) there was a bugfix for Pluggo-based VSTs causing random crashes.
I’ve only just started using Pluggo (now on Renoise 2.5.1 / 2.6.0 b3) and I don’t think the issue has been resolved.
I get crashes with plugins that use a Max interface. Plugins without an interface (i.e. using Renoise’s default sliders) are very stable. Mostly I can instantiate a troublesome plugin just fine, and I can usually open its editor window the first time, but subsequent attempts to open its editor almost always cause a crash.
This occurs with even the most basic, silent Max patches, and the error message invariably mentions the GUI.
I’m running a PowerBook G4 with OS 10.5.8, latest Pluggo runtime, latest version of Max 4.
Anyone else getting this?
Taktik and crew, if you need more specifics just tell me what to post and I gladly will!
Thanks for reading,