Plugivery has completed the first set of Ports of Nomad Factory Plugins!

Not sure if anyone else here in the forums was or is a fan of the Nomad Factory plugins, but Plugivery (the company that took over the plug-ins after the original developer passed away) have finished porting the Pulse-Tec and All-Tec (PULTEC and ALTEC emus) EQs. They look and sound great!

Looks like they’re on promo for like $40 USD as a bundle. I highly recommend them if you don’t already have some passive EQ emulations in your collection (or even if you do; I’m a plugin hoarder). If you have a valid license for a previous version of either, then this is actually a free update!

Just thought I’d share, as I have been following the ports since I bought into the Nomad Factory and Plug&Mix collections and am quite excited to see it moving along.