Pocket Funk

its on my virb site at the bottom of the player. scroll down and you’ll see it. check it out ^_^

cool mix of sub genre’s, i like the minimal approach, i would make those vocal/fx bits a bit louder and some variation on it. some kind of melody element thingy would be fitting nice. doesn’t have to be a full melody just some short catchy notes. overall pretty relaxing and deep. gonna check out your other songs now. grz

oh thanks for the reply bro, yeah i wanted the vocals to be kind of ghostly, just sort of hinted at instead of in your face, you know? and i hear what your saying about melody. check out my tune “night out” on my virb player, its got the melody your looking for :D

there’s a lot of dubstep being released nowadays - i really don’t like anything of it most of the time.
fortunately it’s pretty different with your approach to that genre.
quality stuff!

i hear what your saying about dubstep. i really dig it, but i try to be different. thanks for the comment :)

Dubstep’s not my cuppa either - but I gave it a listen and as always, people using Renoise seem to produce inventive results. I like :)

Is the track in question called Test Subject? It’s very glitchy. Some cool stuff, but I don’t know if it’s dubstep. Definitely a well achieved track but this is IDM to me, whatever that vague meaningless term means today, not dubstep. Brain Leech, now there’s a dubstep track! And a pretty good one too. Cheers.

Most of the music released on public music sites as “dubstep” is nothing of the kind. Perhaps it is because “dubstep” sounds cooler than “mid-tempo atmospheric breakbeat” ;) This track isn’t dubstep either, despite some dubby elements. It’s cool in its own right though.

oh yes it is dubstep :lol: im sure your right that “mid-tempo atmospheric breakbeat” doesnt sound as good. but under the not-so-strict definition of dubstep, this is it. really the only definition is: approx. 140 bpm, with sub bass.

whatever you call it, im glad you like my tune :yeah:

And a shuffled 2-step beat… or at least a hint of such a beat, even if it’s more syncopated. I think the challenge of dubstep is to program a beat like that, without it being too obvious.

usually there’s a shuffled 2step beat, but check out ‘moving snares’ by skream, its a straight 4/4 “banger”. theres a lot of more techno influenced dubstep emerging as well. whatever you call it tho, its all just good music to me. :)