Poll: What monitor resolution do you use with Renoise?

Poll: What monitor resolution do you use with Renoise?
  • 4096 x 2160 px (4K)
  • 3840 x 2160 px (UHD-1)
  • 3440 x 1440 px (UWQHD)
  • 2560 x 1600 px
  • 2560 x 1440 px (WQHD)
  • 2048 x 1080 px (2K)
  • 1920 x 1080 px (Full HD)
  • 1680 x 1050 px (WSXGA+)
  • 1600 x 1200 px (UXGA)
  • 1600 x 1024 px
  • 1600 x 900 px
  • 1440 x 900 px
  • 1400 x 1050 px
  • 1366 x 768 px
  • 1360 x 768 px
  • 1280 x 1024 px (SXGA)
  • 1280 x 720 px (HD)
  • 1024 x 768 px (XGA)
  • 800 x 600 px (SVGA)
  • Other Resolution
0 voters

If your screen resolution is not listed, you can add it in the comments. You can vote for multiple resolutions if you have multiple monitors. Please be honest!

Thanks for participating!

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3840 x 1080

3840x1600 (UWQXGA), 24:10, 109ppi

@Jonas, How does it feel to see a monitor that is so wide but with the height so low? So far, perhaps it is the most uneven width x height ratio here.

@keith303 is your monitor 38"? Did you make the jump from 34" to 38"? If so, did you notice much of a difference?

It’s not that bad really, but I’m not that much of a graphics whore / don’t game on it (yet), maybe then I set it higher :wink: .

I’m doing a little research on this issue of monitor resolutions. Although everyone has their own needs and all monitors are suitable for what they are used for, if I had to choose a specific resolution it would be the one that @keith303 has.

I think the image monitor is a very important part of a home studio.

There are still a lot of people to participate! But it more or less coincides with the worldwide statistics on the use of monitors. I am surprised with this result by such a small sample of people.

I have a 34" monitor, but being very picky, if it were a bit bigger I think it would be ideal (38" at 3840x1600).

The 38" size is because it covers the human viewing area well at an appropriate distance.

But also, the height of 1600 would be enough for any software to have the hight solvent (In renoise the resolution height is “a problem”).

Also, the 3840x1600 resolution is not as high as other smaller monitors, and this allows the use of not so expensive graphics cards. I assume that users who have monitors with a resolution around 4K must have a powerful graphics card, and these days that is a lot of money.

A 38" monitor costs around €1000 (I think there are cheaper ones). Add in the price of a suitable graphics card to power that, in addition to the rest of the hardware.

But what strikes me most about a wide variety of home studios is that there are people who have a lot of physical gadgets but then only use a small image monitor. And in the end, many end up using plugins and the computer to create.

My monitor is 3440x1440 34 inch, supplied by my employer so i just use it with my own PC connected. I hate the low vertical height relative to its width. My ideal would be a 40 inch 4k so i can snap windows and have the real estate to still read what would be smaller windowed documents for work. I dont like UW in general.

i am using this 38" 3840x1600 LG display since more than 6 years. Before that i was using a dual 27" WQHD setup, which i never really felt comfortable with. The ultrawide 21:9 / 24:10 aspect ratio feels most natural to me and for renoise (or even general) productivity, i regard a vertical res of 1.600 pixel as the bare minimum.

Not sure why you assume that. You can drive a 4k display with virtually any half-modern graphics card. Even CPU integrated grahipcs solutions would do the job; at least as long as realtime 3D acceleration is not required.

But even then, there’s AI-based supersampling like DLSS and FSR, which will happily adapt to whatever rendering resolution you aim for without touching your monitor’s native res.

1920x1200 (16:10)

Anyone else using 1920x1200 (16:10)? Thinking about getting 1920x1200 (16:10) Full HD or 27 inch 16:9 WQHD.

I still use a 27" WQHD monitor with 1920x1080. Then as a second monitor a 13.3" graphics tablet that i normally use for hand drawn graphics desing. On that tablet i drag the detached mixer for example or sometimes an open plugin window of a frequecy/specrum analyzer VST. This works like a charm for me. I use this setup in all the DAWs i use.

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i have used renoise on everything from tiny res square laptops to tv’s.