Polyend Nightmare

I recently purchased a Polyend Tracker plus and was so excited to have a tracker in a box.

It turned into a nightmare as I have never used a more unfinished buggy device in my entire life. The biggest issue was live recording and the way off commamds are handled. Samples would spread all over the place into multiple tracks, even midi tracks where samples don’t trigger. The off command is a nightmare making it impossible to record faster melodies in 16/1 timing.

I suggested they should take a leaf out of Renoise’s book by having an option to disable note off but to no avail. Anyway I am returning it for a refund.

I really wish Renoise would release a hardware tracker. That would be a dream come true, or even design and sell a chassis with buttons and a screen that accomodates a Raspberry Pi as it can run the linux version of Renoise.

Food for thought.


LOL. Thought this was going to be a new product announcement…


lol :sweat_smile::rofl:

POlyend has always been middle of the road , nice aesthetic but that’s where it stops.
A long history of bug infested machines and a promo machine fueled by influencers , and the occasional artist edition ( reall Y Bogdan ??)
Want a real good portable tracker , get the dirtywave m8


I feel polyend needs to finish their products before releasing any new ones. Using the tracker has felt like beta testing an unfinished product for a long time.

M8 is an excellent little gadget, but a real bastard to get hold of the new version. Hate having to wait for limited windows to maybe snag a pre-order slot which will then take months more to arrive. How do people put up with this kind of thing? It’s crazy. I guess everyone is used to it from buying all their Yeezy shoes and Supreme bricks. Can always pay a scalper €$£ for one I guess. I got a V1 second hand but the battery life wasn’t great so sold it.

What about PolyendPlay ?
Same problems as PolyendTracker ?