Hello! So I’ve been hacking away at an interesting feature request for altering the transport loop based on how a pattern is split.
I have found some interesting things that break when I attempted to get this to work:
- When undoing an action that includes altering the transport loop, the loop changes remain.
- If the transport loop is positioned outside of the sequence index, weird behavior happens.
For example, say I have a loop that surrounds a couple patterns at the very end of my song. If I want to split my current pattern, this will push the loop down N-1 rows where N is the number of patterns I want to split from my original. This works all fine and dandy, but if I UNDO, the transport loop indices remain the same, and are referencing rows that are OUTSIDE the pattern sequence.
Just some food for thought. I definitely feel that alterations to the transport loop should be recorded in the undo stack. Any thoughts?