Possible to set a new init AHDSR curve in sample modulation window?

Whenever I create an AHDSR envelope for, say volume modulation on my sample, the init patch starts with 100 ms of attack and sustain at 50%. These are settings I change to 0 ms and 100% nearly all the time, adjusting after when I need to. Is there a way to set a new default for how these curves are showed when I first load the modulation? This would be a huge time saver for me.

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Not so far as I know. Some of the modulation devices have preset banks, but ideally all of them would. Someone made a tool that lets you store modulation device presets. I forget what it’s called, but perhaps that would be a good solution for you.

I find now, for myself, having accepted the nature of different modulation device preset states, but it’s just a few quick mouse clicks to create the shape that I want. But ideally, we could choose from a variety of preset init states and save those couple of seconds lol

If I don’t need to modulate envelope characteristics, I usually just use the envelope device, which does have a preset Bank that you can access in the bottom right corner of the device. Right click saves preset states, left click recalls them.

AHDSR definitely gets use though, when parameters require modulation through macro control

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Thanks Zensphere, appreciate your input and insight on the envelope device. Perhaps we’ll get this in Renoise 3.5!

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