[PROBLEM] unordered list return of available_devices in track

R3.2.2 or old W10
There seems to be a small problem with the return of the two lists available_devices and available_device_infos for the tracks.

When starting Renoise the available_devices and available_device_infos properties can return the VST effects to the beginning of the list. But later these properties can return the VST effects to the end of the list, changing the order of the list.

It is desirable that they always return the same order of the list. I think the correct thing is that they always return the native effects and then the VST effects.

I cannot describe why this happens…

>>> rprint(renoise.song().selected_track.available_devices)
[1] =>  Audio/Effects/VST/TAL-Vocoder
[2] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/Delay
[3] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/Multitap
[4] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/mpReverb 2
[5] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/Reverb
[42] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/*LFO
[43] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/*Key Tracker
[44] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/*Velocity Tracker
[45] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/*Signal Follower

Later, in the same project session (look up and down the list)…

>>> rprint(renoise.song().selected_track.available_devices)
[1] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/Delay
[2] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/Multitap
[3] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/mpReverb 2
[4] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/Reverb
[41] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/*LFO
[42] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/*Key Tracker
[43] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/*Velocity Tracker
[44] =>  Audio/Effects/Native/*Signal Follower
[45] =>  Audio/Effects/VST/TAL-Vocoder

Why does this happen? Can this be corrected?

Related Code

-- Devices.
  -> [read-only, array of strings]

-- Returns a list of tables containing more information about the devices. 
-- Each table has the following fields:
--  {
--    path,           -- The device's path used by insert_device_at()
--    name,           -- The device's name
--    short_name,     -- The device's name as displayed in shortened lists
--    favorite_name,  -- The device's name as displayed in favorites
--    is_favorite,    -- true if the device is a favorite
--    is_bridged      -- true if the device is a bridged plugin
--  }
  -> [read-only, array of strings]