Problems with epicClouds Reverb plugin and for SurgeXT Synth

The 3.4.4 Release seems not rock stable in my opinion. I have same Problem with some VST plugins.

The following error i get with 3.4.4 for epicClouds Reverb plugin and for SurgeXT Synth every now and then.
And i have often crashes during project loading. These are crashes to desktop without a error message. No idea why this happens. I have found out, that the Modulation Wheel Value on ODIN2 VST Synth is not setup correctly after project loading has completed. It is always 0 then regardless which value was setted up at project saving time before.


happy tracking :slight_smile:

The Windows operating system is unstable. Sometimes Renoise and the calculator app crash.

Joking aside, these are usually problems in plugins. If there’s a way to reproduce these problems, please let us and the plugin developers know. We can’t see what plugins are doing when they crash, so even if the problem is Renoise doing something unexpected with the plugin, we need the plugin developers’ help to find out.

Without more information there’s not much we can do here.

If you want to prevent that plugins crash down Renoise, enable the sandboxing for plugins.

Hi Taktik!

Yes i read and understand your sarcasm! Nevertheless your tip strangely helps me fixing everything of this described behaviour for me. I had not checked on “sandboxing” in plugin prefs. Since i have setted up the sandboxing i never get the above screenmessage anymore and it fully fixes the Renoise crash to desktop with my projects. So your posting helps me a lot. The Question is why sandboxing was off. It was in my Theme & testing Renoise enviroment. So when i uncheck this by my self mistakenly then it was clear my fault. Then this was a Usererror! But when “sandboxing” is not settep up by default Renoise config, then i would suggest you to make it as marked default turned on in Renoise default config. Maybe this helps other users. I dont know why it works, but it does. So i think it was not a useless post. And not all is meaned as a critic in toxic way, like some peoples may thinking.

happy tracking :slight_smile:

Not your fault and not a user error. This is a general problem, by design. If we allow the use of external plugins, we have to deal with the consequences.

I always hope that the error message, as you’ve posted it, would help to clarify that such problems are likely problems in the plugins and not the host. But many people just seem to ignore it.

The sandbox option isn’t enabled by default, because it creates quite a bit of overhead and possible other problems.

Sandboxing will run every single plugin in a new application process. So if a plugin crashes, it can not take down Renoise. If it corrupts memory, it only corrupts its own memory.


I remember that earlier versions of SurgeXT had problems with corrupting “ressource sharing”, meaning that it crashed while using multiple instances in the same context (e.g. no sandboxing, or running within the same sandbox). But I also kind of remember that this problem disappeared later.

Are you sure that you are running the very recent stable version of SurgeXT?

If the crashes only happening if you are using multiple instances of the crashing synth, most likely you will have to report to the vendor directly.

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