Programmed Phasing Beat Tricks

Hey, thought I share this here, maybe it was already covered before?

One trick I like doing on my drums sometimes is playing with the offset (9…) on a copied drum pattern to achieve a phase/flanged kinda effect. This can off course also be applied to any other sound, do it on pads and an larger offset can have a chorussy effect.

Be sure to attenuate the volume if you’re suddenly adding the same sequence in the next track in another pattern -> volume goes up considerably.

The cool thing is that you can make ‘melodic’ patterns by repeating certain numbers in the offset, or go out all crazy doing arbitrary shit.

I made an example, tho it isn’t necessary to work in speed 1…it was something I was just experimenting with:

maybe the stereo amen beat wasn’t the best sound to show this effect, but you;ll get the picture :)



i used to use effects like that alot in Impulse Tracker.

another fun variant on this is to start two instances of a sample in separate channels and then apply a slight pitch shift to make them move out of phase.

this is how i used to do phasing and flanging in IT:

C-4 01 -- ---- C-4 01 -- 0201  
---- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- ----  
---- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- 0101  
---- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- ----  
---- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- 0201  
---- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- ----  

lately i’ve actually been doing stuff like this (and programmed delay and shit) this way again. it’s the hardcore oldskool approach to effects :) :yeah:

Hey, i used to use that trick as well…
For the Chorus effect i used fine-pitch instead (values of ee1 to ee3)

But on regular audio-systems this sounds crap.

Yeah… I used to do this in FT2 all the time… I found it especially effective as a stereo effect

Musique concrète :yeah:

cheers ricco! love these little bits of knowledge :)
