Public beta test for u-he plugins on Linux

Hi, we’re doing a second round of public beta testing for u-he plugins on Linux, they’re here:

I hope that you’ll enjoy :slight_smile:




Bazille seems pretty stable. Will buy Diva because of this, Zebra if it’s available. These people need to be supported.

This is really awesome! I’ll certainly pick up all of their stuff in time. I’m having a lot of fun with Bazille, and I’m saving my $25 coupon for the upcoming Hive synth. I’m not currently running Linux (used to for a few years until my job and gaming pulled me back to Windows), but it’s something I’d like to do again some day. Spending money on software/plugins that run on Windows/OSX and Linux feels is a future-proof investment. :slight_smile:

!!This is GREAT!! and everything seems to be working fine for now. I’d love to see Zebra on the list