Question About 2.0 Beta

maybe a stupid question…but what happened to our ringmod and those other fun effects associated with filter 2? the ring mod was really important to my work…

are they hidden somewhere else?

I miss my filter distortion =\

Don’t know what the official response is, but for now copy the XML data below into the clipboard (Control/Command + C), right click somewhere in the free space of the Track FX chain. There, choose “Paste device”.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<filterdeviceclipboard doc_version="0"><br>
  <deviceslot type="Filter2Device"><br>

Personally, I say Filter2 and Filter3 should both be available. Filter2 is funky and a lot of people might need/favor it’s weirdness, where as Filter3 is more about precision.

i’m pretty frickin impressed with filter3!

that’s wild Conner! i wonder if anything else is in there!

yeah, i found all the old devices after a bit of hacking :)

Another vote here to having both filters accessible. There are some curves on Filter2 that are still very usable. I guess I could just save Filter2 in a chain file, but that’s no fun…

you can also load Filter2 in a 1.91 song and open it in 2.0.

filter3 is far better but I kind of miss the AMod and Dist filters

We wanted to add a dedicated AMod device for 2.0, but other stuff has thrown this back and back again. Let’s see if the beta is so boring that we have some time to nevertheless add it. The dist filter modes are simply the Distortion2s “Shift” mode combined with some LP filters. So you can emulate that geeky sound with a Distortion2 and a Filter3. Also the old filter modes are still available in the other devices like the Chorus and instrument envelopes…

One more question:

What happened to 'record note delays’ option? Can it still be toggled somewhere or has ‘note quantize’ replaced it for good? That would be a bit of a shame, because quantization does not quite replace note delays as a feature.

Turn the Q button OFF. That’s the new (insanely precise) “record note delay.”

Cool! Thanks for the tip!

an AMod device would be SOOOOOOOO awesome if you got a chance to do it! other than that little thing i’m really digging 2.0 so far.

quick question for taktik…

i had a bit of a debate with vV a while ago about plugin automation within the actual plugin interface. this is currently not possible, nor is it really an issue, as automation is easy enough in the actual renoise interface.


i use native instruments kore. long story short, the kore controller does not send midi, but rather integrates itself with the actual kore software. therefore move a knob on the controller, and it sends a message to the plugin, which then moves in sync with the faders in the renoise automation device. problem is that you can not currently record the automation from moving the controller knobs…if that makes sense. its like if you had a plugin and somehow found a way to directly manipulate a knob in that plugin interface, rather than setup a midi cc device in renoise. the connection is to the plugin directly, not through renoise, but the plugin then in turn connects to renoise and moves knobs and faders in there. but if there was some way to implement some sort of “write automation” enabling you to literally move your knobs and stuff in the plugin and have it write to automation or the pattern editor, then i would finally be able to completely write off most of my other production software and start seriously using renoise for most of my work.

i love kore and i half the fun is using the controller in real time. i guess my question for taktik would be is there any possibility of this in the near future?

if you don’t get what i mean that’s cool, but people please don’t give me a whole bunch of “here’s how to do it” because just trust me it ISN’T POSSIBLE RIGHT NOW. lol.

anyways, thanks again taktik and the team for a great product.

dude just the fact that SOMEONE finally is just realizing my problem puts a huge smile on my face. i tried earlier and nobody seemed to get it…