Hi everyone, I’m coming back to renoise after about a billion years and I remember on the trackers of yore I could do triplets with delays.
That’s no problem, I foundthe delay column in renoise, that’s even easier. however, if I have the resolution set so every 16th is a single line then fitting 3 notes in… the only way I can think of doing that is putting the note in another column and using delays but then I have a muting issue where I need it to mute when the next delayed note comes in and I’m not sure how to do that (bear in mind I’m using midi notes here)
I guess short version is is there a command for mute after x ticks or something?
Edit: Derp. I just now saw “MIDI notes”. Sorry. Not sure if this will work for you after all.
Maybe take a look into using a Phrase instead? You could have a phrase that just plays a single note with the desired note off position, and then trigger this with note delays from the main pattern.