When I quit the program pressing “Esc” or closing the application with the left button of mouse, I would like to see a little opened window : “Do you want really to quit Renoise 2 ?”.
When I do bad manipulation, I quit Renoise instantly
Or else, please can you add an option in “Preferences” if any users want/no want a window “warning” ?
I don’t follow you… if you have made any modifications to the song, Renoise asks you if you want to save before exit. if you hit “Cancel”, it will not close
well, you have to be doing really “bad” if you unintentionally ask to leave Renoise then also unintentionally ask not to save the current song… also, how many time could this happen when you have not made any modification to the song?
without wasting precious space in the preferences, a “don’t ask me again” checkbox would be better, but still I don’t think this is something to take care of.