Quneo + Duplex

danoise, thank you I’ll take a look.

So far I’m digging the controller. I feel like I need to boost the sensitivity of the pads because I have to hit them hard to get a high velocity. I ended up just turning off velocity recording. I also tried playing instruments with the pads which is kind of interesting when hitting chords. I imagine it would be even more interesting if I had notes triggered at 8x8 instead of 4x4 right now.

One of the recent updates stated they’ve just released velocity curves for the pads to try and emulate other devices much as MPCs or the Maschine. Have you tried playing with those?

I haven’t tested these yet but from my brief viewing of the editor I saw that it was really easy to adjust. I wish I had more time to play with it over this weekend.

Here’s an idea : a while back, I made the XYPad (a Duplex application designed to take control of the native XYPad device). You can read about it here

So … how about “XY Pad + glide” - an extended XY pad which respond to higher pressure by moving faster towards the point being pressed - or slower, if less pressure is applied

Slow movements are normally quite hard to pull off on an XY pad, so it would seem uniquely suited to the QuNeo (but useful with other hardware as well, control the time factor using e.g. a fader)


So I’ve been meddling with my Quneo and duplex. I am a total newcomer to duplex so it’s slow going.

I’ve modified the other controller setup posted earlier to get some things working, but I cannot get the mixer paging thing working. I’ve set it up (I thought) as in other controllers like the Kontrol 49, but in mine I can only page back, from say channels 5-8 to 1-4 and not forward, from 1-4 to 5-8.

Can anyone help me with this. You don’t need a quneo to have a go, just load it up in duplex and it should behave as described.


Cool. It’s looking good for the most part

Under “Applications/Mixer”, try to specify the button orientation like this?

page = {  
 group_name = "VerticalArrows1",  
 orientation = VERTICAL -- default is horizontal  

My QuNeo is sat in the (not so) local postal sorting office. I have a free day on Wednesday so am going to collect it then, after uploading the vote pack for the final Dead Dog Renoise comp. After that hopefully I can find the time to do some testing and make suggestions for improvements if necessary :)

@danoise Yes! That fixed it, thanks a lot.

I’ve actually started creating a tool, as much for some practice and learning, but also because I was inspired by the pKing tool under development by mxb. That was essentially the end goal I had in sight so I am in effect hacking sections of that and sevenscientists MPE together to make something that suits my needs. I’ll share it if it ever gets to a useful stage.

The only button you can’t actually map to anything ;)

Is there a blank button template image anywhere? Wanting to work out how I want to configure mine and if I could scribble on one and upload it would be good for discussion on the matter…

Not thinking so much Duplex at the moment (in large part because I haven’t use it for anything yet) but have started having a little play with standard MIDI.

Top 8 pads I have set to use XYZ, all feeding an input of a Hydra so I can route where I want.

Then the bottom 8 pads so far I have track mute (originally tried for Group track mute and realised that the mapping would end up on the wrong tracks if I inserted any into the song, so I’ve ended up using 8 Sends for all the controlled stuff. As Hydras can be routed to control backwards through the chain this isn’t a problem, although it’s not as neat on the screen.)

For another row of 8 buttons (pad corners) I have just scripted a little code piece to remove all automation from the last two patterns in a song (assuming usage with a tool similar to Grid Pie obviously) in the eight Send tracks I am using.

Haven’t really managed to think beyond that yet…

How have other people got on so far? Maybe this should be in the general QuNeo thread, not the Duplex+ one. ;)

Oh :lol:

In any case, since I made that layout I downloaded the QuNeo driver/editor package (a whopping 120mb!!) to get a little more intimate with the controller.
The QuNeo seems to be pretty flexible, as you are able to let it control the LEDs by itself, or specify them manually. That’s pretty cool.

The QuNeo package comes with a large amount of DAW templates, but no Renoise one AFAIK. I’m thinking that, Duplex or not, it would be obvious to discuss such a standard here.
If people settle on a particular template (or rather, a set of templates), I’d then be happy to create a corresponding Duplex map for plug-n-play action. Considering getting a unit myself, actually.

Cool stuff. I’ve also created a different type of layout, as the one with the XYPads are actually a bit too simplistic for the QuNeo:

The idea is to squeeze every bit of information from the topmost pads (trigger, pressure, x/y), with the lower ones acting as quadruple triggers.
In Duplex, the topmost pads could then easily act as an 8-track mixer (volume being Y and panning being X), and the lower part could run the Keyboard application.

I guess I would leave the rest unassigned (messages would be forwarded to Renoise for standard midi mapping)
But I’m not entirely sure how ergonomic the lower part is - how easy it would be to trigger notes in those corners.

it’s used for switching Presets and entering CUDO mode (to make it easy to MIDI map to software, such as Renoise (and Ableton Live), where you can’t manually enter CC values.)

Very flexible yes. Unfortunately the Local or Remote control of the LEDs may not be quite how you expect. Local control flashes them as they are pressed, and unless turned off also overrides the Remote mode for the duration you are doing something with that sensor. There has been some discussion on their forum (which I admit I’ve only spent a few minutes browsing so far) about how the way the pads work is quite a restriction, due to there being two modes and thus two channels that might be used, rather than using the channel they are set to. But LED feedback (or whatever the correct term would be) is definitely one huge reason to move towards a tool over native MIDI mappings!

I actually meant as in an image. Sure it wouldn’t be too hard to remove all the text and highlighting from an existing one from the manual but it would be nice for sharing ideas if there was a blank on to work to. In fact many companies produce something similar in life-size and you can then print out on a A4 sticker and cut to have labelling on your controller. These templates make perfect images for working out ideas on too!

So far I’ve butchered Preset16 and doubt I have followed any kind of pattern anybody else is likely too! ;)

Yeah that’s along the lines of what I’m doing :) Looking at the default Ableton Preset would using 6 track controls and then having a 2x8 column down the right hand side be more the kind of layout people would like? Personally I was thinking of switching between two Presets as needed, one this multiple purpose/effects/mangle/control one and the other more standard grid controller…

Personally I’ve left Note off from the full pads, so they’re XYZ rather than XYZ+Trigger. Also they have a return value for when releasing. Obviously pressure always goes to zero. Currently you can set the release value for X&Y in the editor software. If suggested they likely would make the Snap Value optional (stay wherever you release the finger) but I don’t believe it currently is.

Only had a very quick play a couple of nights ago, plus I’ve never used a traditional grid controller to compare it to, but it didn’t seem too bad. Plus you can set sensitivity of all pads as desired and there is edge isolation settings too, to help prevent triggers more than one by accident.

So, if I understand you correctly the QuNeo sort of forces you to use either one mode or the other, as using both modes would result in a fight over which one is controlling the LEDs?
Well, that’s really not that different from the current realities of using other LED powered controllers like the Launchpad, APC etc.
Here, you also have to decide if you want to run it as a standard MIDI device or a tool-powered one (Duplex et al.) to avoid such issues.

Running these devices as a standard MIDI device isn’t really exciting - they need an “application” before things get interesting.
I think the QuNeo is a bit different, as it’s part Pad controller, part Grid controller, and therefore more useful as-is.

No I don’t think you quite understand. It receives one mode of Ch2 and the other on Ch3 no matter what channel the pads are set to. Other Grid controllers I’ve been led to believe work by receiving on which ever channel the are set to transmit on. This means when changing Presets (for controlling different parts of the program or even a completely different instance) you can’t update/change what is being sent back to the device for LED illumination.

It would be better if you set the mode in the Preset even…

Has anyone got this working? I tried to download these templates but could not for the life of me get the right mappings to work! I am testing out a friend’s controller and was contemplating buying it, but I can’t get anything to work other than standard MIDI mode. For instance, I used the Quneo editor to set the pads to send MIDI notes (and disable X/Y and pressure) but pad 3 still sends pressure control to the vertical fader #3 and basically none of the other mappings work how they seem like they should. Is there something I’m missing?

I have played around with the editor, and can see a lot of different things are possible - but this is really what is needed: a finished QuNeo layout and a clear purpose.
Once someone has arrived there, I would be happy to create a working Duplex configuration for them :slight_smile:

For example, it would be rather cool if we could use the velocity sensitivity to control the repeater device in XYpad fashion, using velocity to determine if the effect is on.
This sort of stuff is the raison d’etre for the QuNeo, I think :slight_smile:

Then, once that’s working we can even look at how the device communicates and make it proper bi-directional. One step at a time…

Are you definitely sending the updated preset to the QuNeo? I’ve had no problem changing the pad modes and getting them to do what I want. I’ve only used with standard MIDI Mapping in Renoise though (plus a few hand-coded function of my own.)

That’s a great question. I think so, because after I press “Update preset” I can see the light for Pad/Preset 1 blink on the Quneo, but maybe I’m missing something.

I’ve had some fun playing around with Grid Pie in basic MIDI mode, but, for instance, I’d like to see the pads be able to control the Pattern Matrix in Launchpad-like fashion.

Are you on PC/Windows? After clicking that button it should take around one to two minutes and then you should get a little pop-up window informing you the QuNeo has been updated successfully. I don’t remember seeing lights/pads flash on the QuNeo when doing this but I very well might have missed it.

You do also know that Windows wont connect to both the Editor and Renoise at the same time due to the limits of the MME driver? (Although I’m sure I did get it working first time I connected it to the Win7 computer at work apparently I must be mistaken…)

Although it’s clearly labelled in the editor there have been posts of people not seeming to realise the pads use the drum machine/MPC style of numbering of lower left being no.1, moving right and then up. I assume you understand that much and are not working on the top left pad/preset, which is no.13.

Yeah I’m on Windows, and it took a bit of fiddling until I realized Renoise had to be closed in order to update the preset. I don’t think I’ve seen a pop-up window except after updating all presets, but I’ll take another look, thanks for your help. You’re correct in that I realized the lower-left pad is in fact pad#1. I’ll give this another go tonight or this weekend and update again.

Well I finally got most of the controls working. The Quneo editor needs to be mapped an octave lower than the indications in the Duplex mapping (e.g. VerticalArrows2 “C-3” needs to be set to C2 / MIDI note 48) which is confusing. One annoying thing is “record” is set to MIDI note A1 (or A0 in the Quneo editor) and it records a note every time I press record. The pads send MIDI notes but they don’t blink on the Duplex interface. The rotary encoders aren’t seeming to register on the Duplex controls either, nor the button in between them or the arrows next to the vertical faders. Everything else is working as it seems like it should though.